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1Archeron(FIN) Empty Archeron(FIN) Thu Nov 05, 2015 7:21 pm


Enrollment Form

Archeron(FIN) Beowulf

Basic info
Name: Archeron Hunter
Age: He stands at 32.
Birthday: October 22nd
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: He stands at 6'7".
Weight: 265 pounds.
Face Claim: Beowulf from skull girls

Aura 150|150 HP

Group: Warriors
Likes: He absolutely adores wrestling of all sorts; although he's mainly capable of the show wrestling. Not to take away from his athletics.

He is respectful of people who are legitimate wrestlers; like Luchas and Sumos.

He adores spicy food.
Dislikes: He HATES sour food

He dislikes those who disrespect the art of combat.

He absolutely despises… cheese. Eck.
Fears: He fears dying… of allergies.

He fears… wolves, the animals not the grimm.

He fears… losing all sense of self.
Overall Personality: He's aloof about half the time, stupid a fourth, and nice all the time. This guy'd give you the clothing off his back to help you out. He'd risk his own life to save a random person. To save a person he'd never know, although he'd rather not know you since he always gets real close and comfortable. Which is never a good thing when you're a giant man with nothing better to do. He's never really worried... cept around wolves. Cause he'd rather not. Only one wolf has ever attacked him, and it shook him harder then even the largest grimm.

It could be worse, if you'd ask him. He could be small, wimpy, and weak instead of big, strong and hard-headed. He's thankful for his skill-set, and notes that if he didn't have it, he'd probably be worried about the fact that he's unable to fight the grimm that attack.

Aura type: Power
Aura Color: Black
Semblance: Buff- His muscles are loosened up to increase his strength. It’s purely a strength buff semblance, as it is his semblance and not very… unique. A visual cue is a very faint black veils his arms and legs under his clothing.
Item 1: The weapon of the glorious, glorious, Archeron is a giant folding chair. At five feet tall, and about three feet wide, this chair is used for hitting… and sitting.
Item 2: He wears the skin of the wolf that made him scared of wolves. Clean of course. (Physical Armor rank 1)

History and Sample
RP Sample:

2Archeron(FIN) Empty Re: Archeron(FIN) Sun Nov 08, 2015 11:38 am

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart

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