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A Brief Brush-up on History! (Private: Shadow Mission; The Tutor)

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Lucille Annabelle Klug

Lucille Annabelle Klug
Lucy was running, as per usual, but this time it was to see someone she had never met before: one Ms. Mace. She was apparently a very sweet lady who would help Lucy with her studies. Now Lucy wasn't really behind on anything in her current classes, but she was a bit behind when it came to history, as it was based on things people were supposed to know already...but she didn't! Normally she would just think about it and remember, but she tried and it wasn't working, so she was determined to find some help. Mr. Davis said it wasn't important, but she didn't want to fall behind in class!

Lucy managed to enter the classroom with falling or running into anything, her little body moving around at a frantic pace, searching for her teacher. She then spotted her picking something up, and ran over to her while calling out to her.

"Greetings: Hello, M-Ms. Mace! Introduction: My name is Lucille Annabelle Klug, b-but you can call me Lucy if you prefer. Excited: I'm very happy to meet you and learn about history today!" Lucy almost shouted with happiness, Mr. Floppsies's wondrous head apparel boasting a rather loud blue-ish green in color, yet he wore it quite well as always.


Lucille Annabelle Klug

Lucille Annabelle Klug
Trinity was a bit startled by the girl who came to her, but not for her sudden appearance, as she knew little Ms. Lucy was coming with her adorable stuffed bunny rabbit...and she was right on schedule. The startle was rather partly due to her appearance, as Trinity did not expect her to be...well, so young. The other part was that she mentioned history, but she was informed by Professor Alexander Davis that she should study anything but, and she couldn't imagine why a sweet little girl like Lucy shouldn't be able to learn a few things about the lore of Remnant.

"Hello there Lucy, it seems like you are doing well today! You mentioned history, is that something you are falling a bit behind on?" Trinity wasn't sure how someone could fall behind on such a subject, as it was literally just remembering popular figures, dates and events and just regurgitating it when it was test time...but Professor Alexander did mention something about Lucy not knowing certain things, and that she wasn't allowed to teach her those...could that be what she was here for?

"Reponse: Thank you Ms. Mace, I am doing very well today, and I hope you are doing the same!" she smiled as she said it, hugging Mr. Floppsies and shifting from side to side happily. "Explanation: I'm not sure if I'm falling behind, but in history class they keep talking about faunus and what happened in their past, and everyone seems to know what the teacher means...except for me. Inquiry: Would you be able to remind me on what their past is? Assurance: I'm sure that once we start I will remember what it was!" she said with an adorable and sweet smile, not knowing what she had implied.


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