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Atlas Geoff Liandry(FIN, Revamp for Nikolaos Soyata)

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Enrollment Form

Atlas Geoff Liandry(FIN, Revamp for Nikolaos Soyata) 0f3671c8858ae4afc505829c589afa51

Basic info
Name: Atlas Geoff Liandry
Age: 32
Birthday: October 25th
Race: Hawk Fanus; He can see things up to eight times as far away as normal humans.
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 170 Pounds
Face Claim: Asahina Ukyou from Brother’s Conflict

STR: 5 + 1
DEF: 3
RES: 3
SPT: 1
Aura 150|150 HP

Major: Civilian(Police Officer)
Likes: Quiet Times: He’s a fan of sitting in his vehicle, waiting for time to pass.
Sparring: He likes practicing his fighting technique.
Eating Oranges: They’re good, dammit!
Dislikes: Foxes: They’re too cunning for him
Criminals: They’re the one’s that killed Euclid.
Running around in circles: It’s pointless.
Fears: Teammate getting shot in the head again: Euclid.
Getting Crippled
Running into a wall when it comes to getting stronger
Talent: Martial Arts
Weakness Keeping Organized
Overall Personality: When it comes down to this, Atlas is a chill dude. From those years of over-exuberance and excitement, to those years of solemn  work, his personality has fallen to being a chill dude. He doesn't take offense to much, and his chill extends to things that are usually considered stressful situations. Nothing quite reaches the stress level of watching your friend get shot in the head. If it did, he wouldn't sign up for the job of a police officer. However, he likes helping people and tends to like fighting. Those are two things that he gets to do as a police officer.

Aura type: Power
Aura Color: Black
Semblance: His semblance is a basic strength buff. The way it happens is he buffs up his muscle mass. Signified by a Black Glow. (Buff Semblance)
Item 1: Standard Issue Police Baton; Foldable to carry easy.
Item 2: Level IIIA body armor, standard issue for the Bellmuse PD. Covers his torso above the waist line, protecting the vital organs. (T1 Physical Armor)

History and Sample
RP Sample:


Hey there Nikoloas, soon to be Atlas. The name's Akui, and I'm your application mod today. This is a very nice and clean app and appears to have no issues, so...

Atlas Geoff Liandry(FIN, Revamp for Nikolaos Soyata) Ze92C2K
Atlas Geoff Liandry(FIN, Revamp for Nikolaos Soyata) VwJPcFk

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