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Morning Work out ( 2 openings)

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1Morning Work out ( 2 openings) Empty Morning Work out ( 2 openings) Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:40 am

Bruz Chopper

Bruz Chopper
Bruz gets up early so he can go out and work out, though is gladiator days are behind him he still wants to keep up his strength so that he can defend the people he holds dear. He found himself in a rock quarry, the quarry was active but he had been there before. He made a agreement with the quarry master that he would go in early in the morning to smash that boulders they made into smaller stones, in return Bruz get some Lien which he would use on his family and his vehicle. The vehicle is old and needs to be remade so Bruz thought it will be a nice hobby to do. Though Bruz had heard someone coming, he though it was one of the miners that came way to early for work but it wasn't, it was not someone Bruz has seen yet. Bruz got on the defensive and prepared for the worst.

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