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Sparing with Vella (Closed)

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1Sparing with Vella (Closed) Empty Sparing with Vella (Closed) Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:58 pm

Cipher Cam Star

Cipher Cam Star
Cipher walked around the Training Arena holding one of his Swords I need to hit something or someone before I attack..No Uncle would get mad at me if I did that. he thought to himself as he swung the sword around like a child with a stick "Why does nothing happen in the stupid school!!" he shouts as he throws his sword into the floor. He walks around the arena two more times before he picked his sword up I should just wreck this if I can't fight someone I mean it gets repaired. Cipher told himself his sword pack opens and the other three swords came flying out to his sides "I am going to have so much fun doing this." he whispered as he detected someone near him the computer in his head told him "I really need to upgrade this thing." he said as he made his swords circle around him. Maybe it's just malfunctioning or something? he thought as he ran a quick system diagnostic to make sure everything was running at 100%.

2Sparing with Vella (Closed) Empty Re: Sparing with Vella (Closed) Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:02 pm


It has been now around a week that the blonde faunus that goes by the name of Vella Brandeis had arrived in Syne and for the whole week she has been spending so much of her time roaming around waiting to be officially approved as a student that she already know the layout of the academy by heart. She thought that maybe next time she should visit the city as it would procure her a new environment to explore. She could maybe visit the Dust shop and see what the shopkeeper could suggest her since he'd probably know a lot from experience.

But right now the girl was yet again walking around the school waiting on the words of the headmistress to be able to attend classes like any other students. Vella found herself going towards the training grounds of the academy, one of the first place she had visited when she arrived. Maybe again she would see someone she could learn from a little. When she finally made it though, all she could see was a boy seemingly throwing a tantrum. Seeing that the faunus hid herself from sight and observed. She turned her head every so often to her right, whispering while keeping her eyes toward the boy who was throwing his sword around before three others appeared from nowhere. She stayed hidden, there was something about this person that she couldn't but her finger on that perplexed her and made the girl even more cautious than usual.

3Sparing with Vella (Closed) Empty Re: Sparing with Vella (Closed) Sat Nov 05, 2016 3:26 pm

Cipher Cam Star

Cipher Cam Star
Cipher looked around for the person that he picked up on his scanner "I know that someone is in here so you better come out before I force you out!" he told the person as he sent his swords up into the air ready to attack I haven't destroyed anything in months so what's a little damage to the place that's made to take gonna do? he asked himself as he clenched his fist in anger. "Okay I thinks that's enough waiting for me." he muttered as grin formed on his face "I told you to come out!" he shouted as he sent his swords flying around spinning like fan blades in hopes of drawing out the person. Oh this feels so good he thought to himself as he walked to the middle of the room as his swords where still flying around.

4Sparing with Vella (Closed) Empty Re: Sparing with Vella (Closed) Sat Nov 05, 2016 4:11 pm

Leena Lilac

Leena Lilac
Right so, I hate breaking up a topic like this, but having your app re-evaluated means you are no longer approved, and therefore cannot RP until it's fixed.

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