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February Team NEWS Poll: Are You Secretly Admiring? (IC)

Are You A Secret Admirer?

February Team NEWS Poll: Are You Secretly Admiring? (IC) I_vote_lcap25%February Team NEWS Poll: Are You Secretly Admiring? (IC) I_vote_rcap 25% [ 4 ]
February Team NEWS Poll: Are You Secretly Admiring? (IC) I_vote_lcap19%February Team NEWS Poll: Are You Secretly Admiring? (IC) I_vote_rcap 19% [ 3 ]
February Team NEWS Poll: Are You Secretly Admiring? (IC) I_vote_lcap56%February Team NEWS Poll: Are You Secretly Admiring? (IC) I_vote_rcap 56% [ 9 ]
Total Votes : 16

Poll closed

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Hello students and faculty of Syne Academy! This is Sienna Borne here, bringing you another monthly poll for you to have your voice heard. We at Team NEWS were struggling to come up with a poll that everyone would enjoy, but after heavy debate we finally decided on one you guys will hopefully love! I hope you forgive us for the late posting of this poll and how short of a time it will last due to that, as we really are working hard to give you guys the latest and greatest!

Speaking of 'hopefully love', that is what this poll is focused on: Secret Admirers. However, this is not if you yourself have a secret admirer in the sense that someone is admiring you, but rather that you are secretly admiring someone yourself! Now, we of course would never request or suggest you to give yourself up here in such an embarrassing manner, so we don't want to give you lovely readers away here...we are just curious if you are or are not. Best part about this poll? The votes are anonymous, so there is no way for anyone to know who you are and what choice you picked, not even us!

As with all our polls, the results will be shown in the upcoming issue of the Syne Post, where will we all truly see how much love is secretly flowing through the air! Remember: you can only cast one vote, and your vote cannot be cancelled, so make sure you are being honest with yourself on the first try! Also like last time, I will be going around and searching for people to give a quick interview about the subject, so always be prepared to speak your mind! Now due to feedback from our lovely readers and because we love you guys so much, we are including a third option to the voting poll this time around so that you guys have an option if you are truly on the fence about it! Feel free to comment below to cryptically share your love for another if you like...or don't if you want to leave us all bound in true romantic mystery.

Well, that's about it for me! Thank you all so much for all your contributions, and keep being the awesome people you are!

This is Sienna Borne, Syning Out~! Bye



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