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Avali Butterscotch: The Evil Witch Huntress.... kind of... [DONE]

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Avali Butterscotch

Avali Butterscotch
Enrollment Form

Avali Butterscotch: The Evil Witch Huntress.... kind of... [DONE] Anime-girl-with-short-black-hair

Basic info
Name: Avali Butterscotch
Age: 17 years old
Birthday: October 31th
Gender: Female
Race: Skunk Faunus
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 112 lbs
Face Claim:

STR: 5
DEF: 1
RES: 1
SPT: 5
HP 10|290 SP

Major: Academic

Likes: Her minions, reading, coming up with evil plans, time alone, her dad (she'll never admit it)
Dislikes: Her plans being ruined, how stupid her minions are, people assuming she smells bad because she's a skunk faunus, pants
Fears: Never succeeding in her goals, losing her ability to summon her minions, being disowned by her father

Overall Personality: Imagine the most evil, the meanest and most cruel person you can, this is Avali... or rather what she'd like you to believe. She aims to live up to the legacy of her father, an all powerful being from a different world who conquers other worlds for the sole reason that he can. Problem is that his daughter lacks all the skills necessary for world domination but is determined to succeed one of those days. Stubborn, self-centered and in general pretty mean, she will stop to nothing and for no one in order to reach the same powers that her father has. But being the airhead that never has good plans surely doesn't help her cause. At least, she has determination and believes that each failures are a step forward to an eventual victory. She can also be very secretive, especially about any plans she could be working on and also her powers that are unlike the ones others possesse.

Skillful at: Athleticism
Lacking skills in: Fighting

Aura type: Recovery
Aura Color: A mix of orange and purple
Semblance: Summon: Minions of Darkness

Summon Description:,100):origin()/pre05/2390/th/pre/f/2010/348/8/c/shadow_by_milay-d2wmpyi.png

The minions are being made from pure shadows and are small in size and rather frail. What they lack in physical threat is compensated in number as they are always in small groups of 4 to 10 whenever they are summoned. The only thing is that whatever is the number of them showing up they all share the same energy and if one of them is damaged enough, the whole group disappears.

Summon height: 3 feet
Summon HP Points: 5
Summon Damage Points: 1

Item 1: Physical armor: the book that Avali always carries with her lets her create a barrier in front of her to mitigate to some degree any incoming physical attack.
Item 2: Dust armor: Avali wears constantly an enormous witch hat and while she wears it to hide her white hair, it offers some protection against dust-based attacks.

History and Sample
RP Sample:


Avali Butterscotch: The Evil Witch Huntress.... kind of... [DONE] Ze92C2K
Avali Butterscotch: The Evil Witch Huntress.... kind of... [DONE] VwJPcFk


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