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Lloyd Vanheim's Tactics Book

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1Lloyd Vanheim's Tactics Book Empty Lloyd Vanheim's Tactics Book Sat Apr 18, 2015 6:05 pm

Lloyd Vanheim

Lloyd Vanheim
A very simple concept: Write down general fighting situation and write down what you'd usually do in that situation. Here's are example as well as my own tactics. Can be used for you as a Huntsman/Huntress, or for teams that want to have tactics.

For fighting Grimms-----------------------------------------------------------------

A-The enemy goes for a leap attack: Dodges on the side and counter attacks
.1-The enemy goes for another one: Slides under and attacks from below
.1.1-If the enemy goes high enough: Repels himself to strike downward
.2-The enemy is too big to slide under: Repeat A alone or go for

B-The enemy strikes from above: Dodges to the side and repels upward
A.2 can be applied, but costly on aura
Can apply an angle to the Repel to send elsewhere
.1-The enemy sends a shockwave due to strength: Dodges only
.1.1-Cant dodge: Repels himself out of the way

C-The enemy is fast and strikes often: Repels an attack hoping to stagger
.1-Is staggered enough: Strikes with an heavy blow
.2-Isn't really staggered: Dodges aside and repeat C

D-The enemy is slow but packs a punch: Dodges attacks and waits for openings

E-Fighting multiple enemies: Focuses on defense and dodges, focuses attacks on one
.1-Being attacked on multiple side: Dodges and prepares for defense
.2-Being cornered: Repels himself out
.2.1-Can't Repel out: Forces his way through
.2.1.1-Can't do that: Fight until the best or the worse
.3-Way outnumbered: Retreat and fight another day
.3.1-Can't escape: See E.2

For fighting Huntsmen/Huntresses---------------------------------------------------


A-Weapon is grabbed/stuck: Fold it

B-Is falling: Repels himself with an angle to avoid direct it with the ground

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